Parish Notices
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28th June 2009
1. During this week the Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin will launch a new programme of Evangelisation. Evangelisation is about bringing the name, the message and the love of Jesus with renewed vigour into our own lives and into the world in which we live. We pray that this programme of Evangelisation will truly open the lives of each of us to be embraced by God’s love and thus to become witnesses of that love to our world.
As the Year of Evangelisation begins, two priests are ordained for the Diocese and thirteen Pastoral Workers are commissioned for service in the diocese. The central role of the Pastoral Workers will be to support priests and Parish Communities in educating people in their faith, in supporting and in developing parish initiatives around prayer and the sacraments.
2. Monday 29th June is the Feastday of SS Peter and Paul and brings the Year of St Paul to a close.
3. Wednesday 1st July is the Feastday of St Oliver Plunkett.
4. Friday will be the First Friday of July. Mass will be offered for all whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead.
5. The annual collection of Peter’s Pence to support Pope Benedict and the Pontifical Charities will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. It will replace the Share Collection.
6. As part of the Celebration of the ‘Year for Priests’ which began last week, the Vocations Office of the Diocese is asking for people to volunteer to Become a Priest/Seminarian Prayer Friend and undertake to pray for that priest/seminarian each day during the ‘Year for Priests’. Arrangements can be made by contacting or Txt or Phone 0868346071.
7. There is a special website offering support for the Year for Priests, It contains prayers for priests and other useful material.
8. We wish all who are on holiday a safe, relaxing and happy beak from routine.