05 July 2009

Parish Notices
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5th July 2009

1. The Annual Collection to support the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI and the Pontifical Charities takes place at Masses this weekend. It replaces the SHARE Collection. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has asked that the following message from him be read to introduce the Collection:
“The Annual Peter’s Pence Collection is one of the oldest annual collections in the history of the Church.
Pope Benedict from the beginning of his Pontificate has recalled all of us to a fundamental truth of our Christian faith, which on the one hand seems so fundamental as not to need repeating, and on the other hand is so easily overlooked in the day to day life of the Church. I am speaking about that simple yet profound fact that ‘God is love’.
The Church is the community which springs up as fruit and image of what that love of God means. Is we lose that true image of God then our faith can take on the false image of a harsh punitive God, rather than a God who loves us and who frees us.
I ask you to pray for Pope Benedict and for his mission in the Church. I ask you to contribute generously to today’s collection to enable the Pope to sustain the charitable work of the Church in parts of the world where it is most needed.”
2. The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Monday.
3. There will be a meeting for Parents and Godparents in preparation for Baptism on next Sunday at 12 noon.
4. We are asked to pray for the safe return of the two Goal workers who were kidnapped in Sudan’s Western Darfur region on Friday evening; they are Sharon Commins from Clontarf in Dublin and Hilda Kawuki.
5. We are pleased to announce that Hannah Evans, who was with us on placement as part of her training to be a Pastoral Worker, has been appointed by the Archbishop as Parish Pastoral Worker to the Parish of Kilcullen. Hannah will work in collaboration with Fr Michael and Fr Paddy, the Parish Pastoral Council and the people of the Parish in the service of the Gospel and of the mission and ministry of the local Church.