Parish Notices
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st June 2009
1. Sincere thanks to all who turned out for Cruinniú Chríost and made it a memorable Parish Day.
2. Thank you for your contributions last weekend to the special collection for the Eucharistic Congress. The amount collected was €875.00
3. In the Dublin Diocese this Sunday is Matt Talbot Sunday. We pray for his canonisation. The prayer for his canonisation is available in the church.
4. Pope Benedict has declared a ‘Year for Priests’ beginning on 19th June. Your prayers are requested for priests and for vocations to the priesthood. The year marks the 150th anniversary of the death of St John Vianney, who will be declared patron saint of all priests during the year. Each Parish is asked to mark the beginning of the ‘Year for Priests’ by taking part in a diocesan wide 9 Day Novena in honour of St John Vianney. The Prayer Leaflets are available in the church.
5. Two men will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Dublin on next Saturday. Please keep them in your prayers.
6. This is also the time of year when Changes take place in the Diocese. On that account it can be an anxious time for priests. We request your prayers for their welfare.
7. There will be a Cake Sale in aid of Brannockstown School after 11 Mass in the Parish Centre. Your support will be appreciated.
8. We want to give you advance notice of Graveyard Sunday. It will be on Sunday 13th September.