Parish Notices
Corpus Christi 14 June 2009
1. Pope Benedict has decided that the Fiftieth International Eucharistic Congress will be held in Ireland in 2012. In order to cover the expenses of the Congress there will be a special National Collection on the Feast of Corpus Christi each year for the next three years. The first such collection is being held at Masses this weekend. It replaces the normal Share Collection.
2. The Youth Choir meet for practice on Monday at 7 pm in the Parish Centre.
3. Friday next is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Prayer Leaflets with the Novena to the Sacred Heart are available in the church.
4. Pope Benedict has declared a special ‘Year For Priests’ beginning on next Friday 19th June. To mark the beginning of this ‘Year For Priests’ all parishes in the Diocese are asked to take part in a Nine-day Novena in Honour of St John Vianney, beginning on next Friday. St John Vianney is the patron saint of Parish Priests; however this year he will be declared patron of all priests. Prayer Leaflets for the Novena are available in the church.
5. Some notes regarding Cruinniú Chríost:
• The main gathering point is the Town Square at 2 pm.
• Walk to the venue if you can.
• There is parking for older people at the Community Centre and at the Cattle Mart. There is parking at Scoil Bhríde for the disabled only. Bring a picnic and a rug and sun protection.
• The procession from the Town Square will begin at 2.30.
• Groups will be given a number at the Town Square so that the Procession will have an order.
• The Blessed Sacrament will not be carried in the Procession.
• Songs will be sung during the Procession from after the traffic lights.
• The Procession will go around directly to the rear of Scoil Bhríde where Mass will begin at 3 pm.
• After Mass there will be the picnic and entertainment until 5 pm.
• Encourage one another to make Cruinniú Chríost a Special Parish Event that we will all want to remember.
6. There is a Newsletter this weekend. Please take a copy.