Parish Notices
Fifth Sunday of Easter 10 May 2009
Priesthood Sunday
1. Congratulations to the 50 children from Scoil Bhríde who celebrated their First Holy Communion on Saturday. 17 children will make their First Holy Communion in Gormanstown next Saturday.
2. In the Dublin Diocese this Sunday is called Priesthood Sunday. We pray for our Seminarians who journey towards priesthood and we pray for vocations to the priesthood. There is also a Special Collection to support the formation of students for the priesthood. It replaces the usual SHARE Collection.
3. The Pastoral Council will meet on Monday.
4. The Parish Race Night will be in Naas Racecourse on Wednesday.
5. We continue to honour the Year of St Paul this week with Prayerful Reading of his Letter to the Romans on Tuesday at 10.30 am and a film on his life on Thursday at 7.30 pm, both in the Parish Centre.
6. The Parish Pilgrimage to Knock will be on Sunday 7 June. Booking through the Parish Office or Patty Bagnell.
7. We have had technical difficulties with the Parish Website for some time. There is a parallel site which you can access by inserting blogspot; so for the moment the Parish Website address is .
8. This weekend we welcome Fr Ciarán O’Carroll who is going to talk to us about the Year of Evangelisation in the Dublin diocese.