Parish Notices
Fourth Sunday of Easter 3 May 2009
Day of Prayer for Vocations.
1. On Monday the public holiday Mass will be celebrated at 11 am.
2. Cruinniú Chríost will take place on Sunday 14 June. Cruinniú Chríost is our Parish celebration of Corpus Christi, the gift of Jesus to us in the Eucharist, which we acknowledge in a very public way by a Procession through the Streets followed by outdoor Mass and a picnic. We will follow a similar model to last year. People from the different areas of the Parish are invited to come and gather in the Town Square at 2 pm and then process through the Main Street and down to Scoil Bhríde for Mass at 3 pm. Bishop Eamonn Walsh will be the principal celebrant of the Mass.
The main meeting to organise the event will take place on Tuesday at 8 pm in the Parish Centre. People from the different areas of the Parish are asked to attend in order to work out how the different areas of the Parish will respond on the day.
3. The Alzheimer Society of Ireland will hold a Tea Day on Thursday. We are having it in the Parish Centre from 10 am to 12 noon. Its purpose is to raise money for people with Alzheimer’s and their carers.
4. To make the Year of St Paul we have a number of events planned for the Month of May. On Thursday at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre we will have a guest speaker talking about the Life and Conversion of St Paul. All are welcome. On Tuesday mornings beginning this Tuesday at 10.30 am we will have Prayerful Reading of some of the writings of St Paul.
5. The Liturgy Team will meet on Friday at 8.30 pm in the Parish Centre to plan the Liturgy for Cruinniú Chríost.
6. On Saturday next at 11 am we celebrate First Holy Communion with the children from Scoil Bhríde.
7. At Masses next weekend Fr Ciaran O’Carroll, who has responsibility for Evangelisation in the Diocese, will speak to us about the Year of Evangelisation which is about to take place in the diocese.
8. There will be a Preparation Meeting for the Sacrament of Baptism next Sunday at 12 noon.
9. Next Sunday there will be a special collection to support the formation of Students for the Priesthood. It will replace SHARE.