Cruinniú Chríost
Sunday 14 June 2009
Area Teams Meeting Monday 25 May
8 pm in the Parish Centre
Cruinniú Chríost is our Parish celebration of Corpus Christi, the gift of Jesus to us in the Eucharist, which we acknowledge in a very public way by a Procession through the Streets followed by outdoor Mass and a picnic. It will take place in five weeks time on Sunday 14 June, the Feast of Corpus Christi. The day itself will be a repeat of last year’s model.
In preparation we are asking each Area to form an Area Team to think through and plan Area Gatherings during the two weeks prior to 14 June.
On Sunday 31 May the representatives from each Area who carried the Cross last year are invited to collect it again from 11.00 Mass at the Parish church and to bring it to their Area. Over the following two weeks each Area might decide to have the Cross in a different venue or home each night.
Each Area is invited to host its own gathering or gatherings during those two weeks. The Cross will give the Gathering a focus. The venue could be indoors or outdoors in someone’s home or garden or a neutral venue.
The Gathering would involve an element of Prayer, Reflection, Blessing and Refreshment. A particular feature of the Gathering will be to provide people with an opportunity to bless Family Members, Home, Car, Business or Live Stock. Holy Water and a Prayer leaflet will be provided for the purpose.
There will be a meeting for the Area Teams on Monday fortnight,
25 May at 8 pm in the Parish Centre to finalise arrangements.
9 May 2009