Parish Notices
6th Sunday of Easter 17 May 2009
1. Thank you for your contributions last Sunday to the Collection for the support of Students for the Priesthood. The total was €1190.
2. We congratulate the children from Brannockstown and Halverstown who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday.
3. The Parish can benefit from claiming the tax relief for donations by Parishioners to the Parish. We want to thank Parishioners who have returned the Tax Relief Form which is necessary for the Parish to make the claim.
4. There will be Prayerful Reading of St Paul on Tuesday morning at 10.30 am in the Parish Centre. There will be a Plainchant Concert on Thursday night 7.30 pm in the Parish church in honour of St Paul.
5. There will be a public forum on Jobs Creation on Thursday night in the Burlington Hotel Dublin. Details on the notice board.
6. There will be Funeral Ministry training in the Parish Centre next Saturday 23 May from 10 am to 1 pm. It is for the Parishes of our Cluster which includes Ballymore and Dunlavin. It is open to anyone who wishes to attend but we do need to know who is coming by Wednesday.
7. ISANDS, the Irish Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society, will have their Blessing of Remembrance in Glasnevin Cemetery next Sunday at 3 pm.
8. In preparation for Cruinniú Chríost, there will be a meeting on Tuesday at 8 pm in the Parish Centre to plan the Area Gathering for Sunbury Close, St Brigid’s Avenue and Grove, Conroy Park, Nicholastown and Avondale. People from these areas are asked to attend and to help plan the Gathering. There will be a meeting for all Area Teams on Monday week at 8 pm in the Parish Centre.
9. Next Sunday will be the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.
10. A member of the Pastoral Council will give us a brief summary of the last meeting after Holy Communion.