23 May 2009

Parish Notices
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord 24 May 2009
1. Cruinniú Chríost, our Parish Gathering, will take place this Sunday three weeks. We ask that a Team from each of the Four Areas of the Parish would meet on Monday at 8 pm in the Parish Centre. Each Team is asked to organise a local Gathering or gatherings during the two weeks before 14 June. At the meeting on Monday we will finalise dates and arrangements.
The day itself will follow the same form as last year. We gather at the town Square at 2 pm. We process to Scoil Bhríde at 2.30 pm. Mass will be celebrated at 3 pm followed by picnic and entertainment.
Now is the time to start planning your day and the picnic and encouraging neighbours and friends to take part so as to make it once again a memorable Parish Day.
2. There will be Prayerful Reading of St Paul in the Parish Centre on Tuesday morning at 10.30 am.
3. We have invited those confirmed earlier this year to take part in a Post Confirmation Programme which will take place next Friday and the following Friday in the Parish Centre.
4. The Youth Choir will sing at 7.30 Mass next Saturday and the singing practice for the Youth Choir is on Mondays at 7 pm in the Parish Centre.
5. Next Sunday will be the Feast of Pentecost. The representatives from each Area who carried the Cross last year in the Cruinniú Chríost Procession will collect it again at 11.00 Mass next Sunday and bring it to their Area in preparation for the Area Gathering.
6. The Parish Pilgrimage to Knock will take place next Sunday. Those wishing to travel should give their name at the Parish Office or to Patty Bagnell.
Lord, as I prepare to study, send your Holy Spirit to guide me.
Keep me calm. Help me to do the best I can on the day of my exam.
Give me peace, understanding and wisdom.
Be with me today and always. Amen.
8. Please pray for the happy repose of those who died recently:
Jack O’Connor, Kilgowan;
Teresa Kelly, Avondale Drive;
May they rest in peace.