Brief Summary from the First Meeting of the New Parish Pastoral Council held last Monday.
As a newly elected member of our refurbished Parish Pastoral Council, it is my pleasure to give you an update on our activities.
On Saturday last, 7th February, on an icy cold morning, old and new members of the Pastoral Council set off to Orlagh in Rathfarnham for a day of reflection and retreat, sharing thoughts and aspirations for the coming three years.
The new Council met for the first time last Monday 9th February and the following officers were elected:
• Chairperson, Maurice O’Mahony
• Deputy Chairperson, Petra Conroy
• Secretary, Mary Kelly
Among the issues discussed was our Parish Child Protection Policy. If you haven’t already done so, please take a copy which you’ll find in the entrance area to the church. There will be more ongoing dialogue on this important issue.
Various Council members have undertaken to be part of the following sub-committees:
• Youth Projects, Adrian Doran and Betty Hickey
• Faith Renewal, Petra Conroy and Bernard Berney
• Communications, Joy Cullen.
Other areas will be covered as the new Council settles into its role.
The list of Council members is on display in the church. Please come and talk to us – we are here to listen to you.
Thank you for your attention.
Pat Goulding/Bernard Berney/Mary Barber/Joy Cullen (on rota for masses)