22 February 2009

Notices 22 February 2009

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year of St Paul, Apostle, 28 June 2008 – 29 June 2009, commemorating the 2000th anniversary of his birth.
The Conversion of St Paul, 25 January; Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul, Apostles, 29 June.

Season of Lent
During Lent we make preparations to climb the Holy Mountain of Easter. Attentive to the Word of God and Prayer, we prepare ourselves by Penance for the renewal of our Baptismal Promises.

Thank you for your contributions to the Annual Collection for ACCORD last weekend. The amount contributed by the Parish was €1393.

Practice for the Youth Choir begins on Monday at 7 pm in the Parish Centre. Anyone in the age group 13 to 25 in welcome.

First Penance for children from Scoil Bhríde will be celebrated on Tuesday at 7.30 pm.

The Pastoral Councils of the three Parishes in our Cluster will meet with Bishop Eamonn on Tuesday to further the project of neighbouring Parishes working together.

Lent begins on Wednesday of this week which is Ash Wednesday, a day of Fast and Abstinence. Ashes will be distributed at the 9.30 Mass in the morning and at the 7.30 Mass in the evening.

There will be two Masses each weekday during Lent, 9.30 am and 7.30 pm.

There will be a short version of the Rosary every Monday and Wednesday at 3 pm in the Parish Church during Lent. You are invited to come along with your children to pray starting on Ash Wednesday.

Trocaire boxes are available for those who do not receive one through school.

There will be training for all Ministers of Holy Communion next Saturday in the Parish Centre from 10 to 1 pm.

The children preparing for First Holy Communion will feature at Mass next weekend.

The new year of the Challenge Collection begins on 1st March. We thank all who contribute to the Challenge Collection for your loyal support. The new envelopes are ready for distribution. We would be obliged if all the people who very generously volunteer to distribute the Challenge envelopes to the homes of the Parish each year would kindly do so again. The boxes can be collected from the Parish Office during the week.

There’s a Display with a Lenten theme in the side chapel of the church. You might like to take a look any time during Lent.