5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 February 2009
Year of St Paul, Apostle, 28 June 2008 – 29 June 2009, commemorating the 2000th anniversary of his birth.
The Conversion of St Paul, 25 January; Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul, Apostles, 29 June.
1. This Sunday is World Day of the Sick. We are asked to take the time to be in prayerful solidarity with the sick and all who care for them. Archbishop, Diarmuid Martin, will celebrate Mass with the Anointing of the Sick in the Church of our Lady Help of Christians, Navan Road, Dublin, this Sunday afternoon at 3 pm.
2. There will be training for the Altar Servers on Monday at 7 pm.
3. The new Pastoral Council will have its first meeting on Monday.
4. The children preparing for First Penance and First Eucharist will feature a Mass next weekend.
5. The annual Collection for ACCORD, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will be made at all Masses next weekend. The Collection for ACCORD will replace the usual SHARE Collection.
6. Hanna Evans, our placement Pastoral Worker, has special skills in the field of church music. She is anxious to start a Youth Choir with the age range 13 – 25 years. Those interested please give your name after Mass. Hanna is also preparing a music workshop for all involved in music in our Parish and she would like to meet people after Mass to that end.
7. There will be training for Readers at Mass on Saturday 21st February in the Parish Centre. If you would like to become a Reader at Mass please let us know by next weekend.
8. Representatives of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference who offer support to the Church in the Holy Land recently issued a statement encouraging people in Ireland to go as pilgrims to the Holy Land. Anyone interested in joining a Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the latter half of this year please give your name so that we can assess the level of interest.