1. Training for Altar Servers will be on Wednesday at 7 pm in the Parish church.
2. Candidates for Confirmation in Gormanstown will have their final Liturgy of preparation on Tuesday at 7.30 pm. Confirmation will be administered by Bishop Eamonn in both our churches on Wednesday week. Please keep the Candidates in your prayers.
3. This Sunday is World Day For Migrants And Refugees. We remember the 35 million people who are refugees, living outside their home country or uprooted and displaced within their own country. We remember too the 250 million international migrants in the world today.
4. We thank God for the ceasefire in Gaza and we pray that there will be lasting peace in the land that was the home of Jesus.
5. This week in the annual Week Of Prayer For Christian Unity. The theme this year is ‘That They May Become One In Your Hands’, a text from the Prophet Ezekiel 37:17, inspired by the situation in the Korean peninsula where the people are divided north and south, and also of a divided Christendom.
6. We would like to draw to your attention our Parish Child Protection Policy. Copies of the policy are on display on notice boards in the Parish and copies are available to take away.

7. We’re sorry to have to inform you that the storm on Saturday did serious damage to the roof of the Parish church. A section of the roof has been stripped of slates and a large area has been weakened. We are fortunate that no one was hurt. We are not sure yet what the long term consequences will be; but one immediate consequence was that for safety reasons we had to cancel the 7.30 pm Mass on yesterday, Saturday. We will have to get professionals in to assess the situation as soon as possible. The immediate concern is to make the area safe and patch the roof to keep the rain out. That work is in hand.
8. Please remember in your prayers those who died recently:
Nan Miley of Gormanstown,
Fr Sean Breen the Parish Priest of Ballymore,
and Joey McElligott, brother of Bridget McElligott who is one of our teachers in Brannockstown School.
May they rest in peace.