Parish Notices
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26 July 2009
1. The annual Golf Classic in aid of Parish Funds will take place on this Monday 27th July in the Curragh Golf Club.
It is open to anyone who wishes to participate.
Teams of four are welcome to play or you might like to sponsor a Tee Box. Enquiries can be made in the sacristy after Mass.
The day will conclude with a meal and a social, and non-golfers are welcome to take part. Tickets for the meal and entertainment are €30 and are available after Mass or in the Parish Centre on Monday.
2. There will be Mass and Blessing of Graves in Old Kilcullen Graveyard on Friday of this week 31st July at 7.30 pm.
3. There have now been a significant number of confirmed cases of Swine Flu in Ireland and in June the World Health Organisation declared a global flu pandemic.
The Diocese is monitoring latest advice from the HSE and will provide us with updated information as it becomes available.
For the moment the instruction is to read the Swine Flu leaflet that was issued to every home some time ago by the Department of Health and Children and to practice the respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette described there.
4. We pray for the happy repose of the soul of Una Watters who died on Thursday. Her body will be reposing at her home in Kinneagh from 7 pm on Monday. The removal will be at 11.30 am on Tuesday to arrive at the Parish Church for 12 noon Mass. Her burial will take place in St Conleth’s Cemetery, Newbridge. May she rest in peace.
5. Please take a Newsletter.