Parish Notices
Palm Sunday of The Lord’s Passion 5 April 2009
Year of St Paul, Apostle, 28 June 2008 – 29 June 2009, commemorating the 2000th anniversary of his birth.
The Conversion of St Paul, 25 January; Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul, Apostles, 29 June.
Holy Week
Holy Week is the Great Week when we open ourselves to the Paschal Mystery of the Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ so that the new life of the Holy Spirit may be more deeply rooted within us.
1. The Easter Schedule along with Easter Dues envelopes have been delivered to the homes of the Parish. Extra copies are available in the church.
2. There is a typing error on the Schedule. Our Parish celebration of the Sacrament of Penance in preparation for Easter will be on Monday at 7.30 pm.
3. There will be training for all Altar Servers on Monday at 6 pm in the Parish Church.
4. All Ministers of Holy Communion are asked to attend Mass on Tuesday at 7.30 pm.
5. The Sacrament of the Sick will be celebrated on Wednesday at 7.30 pm. Anyone who is sick is invited to receive the Anointing of the Sick.
6. On Holy Thursday we commemorate the Last Supper in a special way at 5 pm and 8 pm. A Collection for those in need will be taken up at these Masses.
7. On Good Friday we meditate on Christ’s suffering and death with the Liturgy of the Passion at 3 pm and the Stations of the Cross at 12 noon and 7.30 pm and also in Gormanstown at 7.30 pm.
8. The highlight of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 9 pm.
9. There will be an extra Mass on Easter Sunday at 12 noon.
10. Hannah, our Candidate Pastoral Worker, will finish her time with us at Easter.
11. There will be a Child Protection Training Course on Saturday of Easter Week in the Parish Centre. Anyone interested in taking part should let us know by Easter Sunday.
12. Cruinniú Chríost will take place on Sunday 14 June.
May this Holy Week be for all of us in Kilcullen Parish a time of renewal and new hope.