Christmas and New Year are times when we are naturally inclined to remember the year that has passed and wonder about the year ahead. Family gatherings and the renewal of contacts with people we may not have met since last year prompt us to reminisce and ponder. My thoughts are on the Parish year, past and to come.
The highlight of 2008 liturgically was Cruinniú Chríost held on the 25th May, Solemnity of Corpus Christi, The Body And Blood Of Christ. Over 500 parishioners processed through the Main Street in public witness to their faith and gathered for Mass at Scoil Bhríde.
Another highlight was the painting of the Parish church and cleaning outside, as well as the painting of Gormanstown church. Because of generous sponsorship in the first case and the fundraising efforts of local parishioners in the second, we were able to do quality work, the best possible. Both of our church buildings are now in pristine condition. On 5th August 2009 it will be 140 years since the foundation stone of the Parish church was laid by Cardinal Cullen.
We have good news from Halverstown School. The extension will be ready after Christmas. We look forward to celebrating 50 years of Halverstown School in 2009.
We have continued our efforts to encourage the partners in the religious education of the child, namely the Home, the School and the Parish, to work together in the preparation for the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation.
2008 will be remembered for the extremes of weather. We had 4 months of rain through the middle of the year which meant we could not hold the Golf Classic. 2008 will also be remembered for the recession which looks like having far reaching consequences for our economy over the immediate years ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who face 2009 with trepidation because of rising unemployment and economic uncertainty.
A group of Parishioners went on the Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes in September. This year marked 150 years since Our Lady appeared to St Bernadette. Our time there coincided with the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. This gave an extra dimension to what was already a very lovely experience.
In October some members of the Bethany Bereavement Support Group attended the ASIST Training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) hosted by the HSE. This two-day course is designed to help caregivers become more ready, willing and able to help persons at risk of suicide.
In November a small group of Parishioners attended an information day on Funeral Ministry. The presentations gave insight into why we need a Funeral Team in every Parish and how we might begin to develop this ministry here in Kilcullen.
Now in December we are introducing new Altar Servers. Their presence will enhance the Liturgy and will be a sign of hope for the future.
In December we will also have a first meeting of our Youth Pastoral Forum whose main aim will be to involve and provide for young people in the Parish.
At the present time we are renewing the Pastoral Council after its first three-year term of office. Some of the present members will remain on and there will be new faces. Past members and new members will meet on Saturday 7th February to review the past three years and to plan the next three. One of the main challenges before the new Pastoral Council will be to make an ethos change from maintenance to mission.
One of the most significant developments for Parish life at this time is neighbouring Parishes working together. We in Kilcullen are now clustered with Ballymore and Dunlavin. During 2009 representatives from the Pastoral Councils of the three Parishes will meet on a regular basis to further the project of sharing resources and personnel. We are in new territory now and first steps will be tentative. There will be the usual growing pains as we approach boundaries that have been ‘sacred’.
On the weekend of 12th October we did a Mass Attendance Census. Roughly 950 people attended Mass in our two churches that weekend. The figure is as it was two years ago. We had 100 Baptisms in the past year and the assistance of the Baptism Team has made all the difference.
Confirmation will be celebrated in our two churches by Bishop Eamonn Walsh on Wednesday 28th January. First Holy Communion will be celebrated in the Parish church on Saturday 9th May and in Gormanstown church on Saturday 16th May.
There will be training in our Parish Centre for Readers on Saturday 21st February and for Ministers of Holy Communion on Saturday 28th February.
One of the signs of hope I see for the Parish is the fact that we have a Five Year Plan. The continued development of various ministries is necessary for the implementation of that plan.
The Parish website is a work in progress. We have plans to develop it and give it a face-lift in the New Year.
I set out in this letter to give you a flavour of the year 2008 in Kilcullen Parish from my point of view. Seeds have been sown. Pray that whatever grows will help build up the Kingdom of God in our midst. I am now half way through my nine year term as Parish Priest of Kilcullen. If we can persevere on the road we have begun, which is reflected in this letter, we will together make Kilcullen Parish strong for the future.
We would like to hear from anyone interested in any ministry in the Parish. We would particularly like to hear from people with financial and communication skills. Our Parish Email address is
The birth of Jesus is God’s way of saying to us: ‘I love you, yes you, the world and humankind’. May we respond by loving one another after the example of Jesus.
Fr Paddy joins with me in wishing all the people of Kilcullen Parish a Happy and a Wholesome Christmas and Peace in 2009.
Fr Michael Murphy.